Secret correspondence is the same old thing. Books on the historical backdrop of cryptography uncover that secret messages date to as far back as there are records. Following quite a while of endeavors to cover messages, one may believe that each possible cryptographic method was attempted sometime in the past and is presently broadly known. Not really, as indicated by Mortem St. George, writer of a book on enigmatic reasoning.
St. George keeps up that 42 of the Nostradamus predictions utilize an extraordinary sort of cryptography that as of recently has never been recognized, inventoried, or reused. In addition, St. George guarantees that it very well might be the most impressive type of cryptography at any point contrived. Shockingly, in any case, its methods are very straightforward; it utilizes no complex numerical codes or anything like that. As St. George puts it: Its tremendous strength lies in trickery In the event that you do not realize that crypto procedures are being utilized, assuming you do not presume that there is a secret correspondence under, you look no farther than what is on a superficial level and the genuine importance everlastingly avoids you. St. George calls it double dealing cryptography.
To represent duplicity cryptography and its methods, I will get back to fun to eth recorded mysteries of a prior article to show how those privileged insights were uncovered. In the event that an affirmation box for this article does not show up on the whole places, I am embeddings here a chance to say thanks to Morten St. George for this subsequent meeting, for specialized help, and for authorization to get material from his obscure reasoning book. Note that the book’s investigation regularly ranges numerous pages and in a section or two I might dare to dream to highlight the key components.
The refrain that manages Napoleon’s demise is numbered VIII-13. There, the way to Napoleon lies in the initial not many expressions of the third section: Armed force to 1,000 years. You need a number for adding 1,000 years, however inside this refrain has no numbers. You are subsequently compelled to turn to the refrain number, VIII-13, or 813, delivering the year 1813. The multitude of 1813 was quite possibly the most celebrated altogether of history, Napoleon’s Grandee Armee. In 1813, in the fallout of its retreat from Russia, that incredible armed force completely broke down. In the last stanza, the toxic substance drink deduced from somewhere else to be wine slaughters two individuals. The subsequent individual was Napoleon’s protector.